المواضيع الأخيرة
المتواجدون الآن ؟
ككل هناك 383 عُضو متصل حالياً :: 0 عضو مُسجل, 0 عُضو مُختفي و 383 زائر :: 2 عناكب الفهرسة في محركات البحثلا أحد
أكبر عدد للأعضاء المتواجدين في هذا المنتدى في نفس الوقت كان 680 بتاريخ الجمعة نوفمبر 22, 2024 11:04 pm
حكمة اليوم
هذا المنتدى يتوفر على 1265 عُضو.آخر عُضو مُسجل هو عادل0 فمرحباً به.
أعضاؤنا قدموا 90182 مساهمة في هذا المنتدى في 31160 موضوع
المواضيع الأكثر شعبية
مصطلحات انجليزية 4
صفحة 1 من اصل 1 • شاطر
مصطلحات انجليزية 4
lost his head
You lose your head when you get upset and lose control of your actions. Example: "I got so angry yesterday. I completely lost my head." Example: "I'm really sorry about what I did. I lost my head."
You are overcome by emotions (especially anger) and lose control of your actions when you lose your head. Example: "Okay, I'll tell you what happened. But first promise that you won't lose your head."
A person who loses his head is not in control of his actions because is not thinking clearly. Example: "He lost his head, so they threw him out of the game."
lost his head"
المعنى الحرفى لهذه الجمله هو فقد عقله
تقال هذه الجمله عندما يتضايق الشخص ويفقد السيطره على تصرفاته
I got so angry yesterday. I completely
lost my head."
لقد غضبت جدا بالامس لقد فقدت عقلى تماما
ومثال اخر
: "I'm really sorry about what I did.
I lost my head."
انا فعلا اسف لما فعلت لقد فقدت عقلى
احيانا تتغل علك العاطفه وخصوصا الغضب وفى هذه الحاله تفقدذ السيطره على تصرفاتك
"Okay, I'll tell you what happened. But first promise that you won't
lose your head."
حسنا ساخبرك بما حدث ولكن توعدنى ان لا تفقد عقلك
الشخص الذى يفقد عقله لا يستطيع التحكم فى تصرفاته لانه لا يفكر بهدوء ووضوح
"He lost his head
, so they threw him out of the game."
لقد فقد عقله ولذلك اخرجوه من اللعبه
"going against the grain
You go against the grain when you make life more difficult by acting against the wishes of others. Example: "Why can't you just do it the way everyone else does? Why do you always have to go against the grain?"
Wood grows in a way that makes it easy to cut in one direction (with the grain) and hard to cut in the other direction (against the grain). Example: "I jog at this track every day and there is always that one guy who has to goagainst the grain and run in the opposite direction."
To go against the grain is to do things in a way that is different from what is normal and accepted. Example: "You can't always follow other people in life. Sometimes you need to go against the grain to do the right thing."
"going against the grain"
تعنى هذه الجمله عكس الاتجاه
فنقول انت تذهب عكس الاتجاه عندما تقوم بافعال تجعل الحياه اصعب عن طريق التصرف عكس ما يفعله الاخرين
Why can't you just do it the way everyone else does? Why do you always have to
go against the grain?"
لماذا لا تقعل هذا العمل مثلما يفعله اى شخص اخر؟لماذا تريد دائما ان تكون عكس الاخرون
مثال على ذلك ان الاخشاب تنمو فى اتجاه واحده بطريقه تسهل عليك عملية قطعها يكون من الصعب ان تقوم بقطعها بعكس هذه الاتجاه
"I jog at this track every day and there is always that one guy who has to
go against the grain and run in the opposite direction."
انا اجرى فى هذا التراك كل يوم ودائما اجد شخص ما يجرى فى الاتجاه المعاكس
ان تكون عكس الاتجاه هو ان تفعل اشياء بطريقه تكون اصعب من الطريقه العاديه المعروفه
You can't always follow other people in life. Sometimes you need to
go against the grain to do the right thing."
لا يمكنك دائما ان تتبع الاخرون فى الحياه فاحيانا يجب ان تكون عكس الاتجاه لتفعل الشيء الصحيح
truer words were never spoken"
You say Truer words were never spoken when you strongly agree with what the other person has just said. Example: "I find that the earlier I get up, the better the day I have." Reply: "Truer words were never spoken. The morning hours are definitely the best hours of the day."
Truer words were never spoken is often used as a single sentence response to support the other person, showing how strongly you agree. Example: "This is the best cake I have eaten in years!" Reply: "Truer words were never spoken."
When someone says something that you find to be very true and which applies in many different situations, you can say, "Truer words were never spoken." Example: "You are lucky to have such a wonderful wife." Reply: "Truer words were never spoken."
truer words were never spoken"
تقال دائما هذه الجمله للتعبير عن موافقتك عن ما قاله شخص ما من قبل
او للتصديق على مقوله قيلت فى السلف
I find that the earlier I get up, the better the day I have
لقد اكتشفت انه اذا صحيت بدرى يكون يومى افضل
الجواب يكون
Truer words were never spoken. The morning hours are definitely the best hours of the day
اى انه يوافق عما قاله السابق بتاكيده بهذه الجمله
تقال ايضا هذه الجمله كاجابه على كلام شخص ما بدعم موقفه
او انها توافق وتدعم كلام الاخرين
This is the best cake I have eaten in years
يقول شخص ان هذه افضل كيك اكلته منذ سنين
فيرد عليه شخص اخر بهذه الجمله ليؤكد كلامه ويدعمه
Truer words were never spoken
عندما يقول شخص ما اشياء انت تؤمن بانها حقيقيه فاننا نستخدم هذه الجمله للرد عليه
"You are lucky to have such a wonderful wife."
انت محظوظ جدا لانك حظيت بمثل هذه الزوجه
الرد يكون
Truer words were never spoken
الرد بهذه الجمله يكون معناه انك موافق عن ما قاله الشخص الذى تحدث قبلك
"nose out of joint"
Your "nose is out of joint" when the look on your face and the way you act shows other people that you are upset. Example: "What's wrong with him?" Answer: "His nose is out of joint because we forgot to invite him to the party." Although a nose cannot actually be "out of joint", the way a finger or an arm comes out of joint, a person who is upset may have a strange look on their face until they recover. Example: "What happened was an accident; there is no reason for you to have your nose out of joint." Another example: "We were only joking; don't get your nose out of joint
nose out of joint"
هذه الجمله تعطى معنى غاضب جدا
تقال هذه الجمله حين تريد القول بان شخص ما منزعج جدا ومتضايق
او بالمعنى العربى (روحه فى منخيره)
What's wrong with him
ماذا به؟
His nose is out of joint
because we forgot to invite him to the party."
انه متضايق جدا(روحه فى منخيره ) لاننا نسينا ان ندعوه على الحفله
مثال اخر
What happened was an accident; there is no reason for you to have your
nose out of joint
ان ما حدث كان حادثا ولا يوجد سبب لهذا الضيق او (ان تكون روحك فى منخيرك)
مثال اخر
We were only joking; don't get your
nose out of joint
نحن كنا نمزح لا داعى لان تتضايق
"the pot calling the kettle black"
You are the pot calling the kettle black when you point to another person and accuse that person of doing something that you are guilty of doing yourself. Example: "You are accusing me of being lazy? Ha! That's the pot calling the kettle black!"
"The pot" (for cooking) and "the kettle" (for boiling water) sit on the stove over the fire and become black from the flames. Example: "I'm tired of you always wearing my clothing!" Answer: "Aren't you the pot calling the kettle black? You're wearing my pants right now!"
The pot and the kettle are like old friends who have turned black with time; the pot only sees the blackness which is on the kettle; he doesn't see the black on himself. Example: "Here comes the guy who is always late for work." Answer: "Aren't you the pot calling the kettle black? You are usually the last person to show up!"
the pot calling the kettle black"
تقال هذه الجمله على الشخص الذى يتهم غيره بارتكاب شيء خاطئه وهو نفسه يعمل هذا الخطأ
You are accusing me of being lazy
انت متهم بالكسل
Ha! That's the pot calling the kettle black!"
الرد بهذه الجمله يعنى السخريه والقول بانك تفعل ما تتهمنى بفعله
دلاله هذه الكلمات من ان الحله والغلايه كلاهما يوضع على النار ويتحول لونهم الى الاسود فكلاهما مثل بعض
I'm tired of you always wearing my clothing
لقد سئمت من ارتدائك لملابسى
فيكون الرد
Aren't you the pot calling the kettle blackYou're wearing my pants right now
!" "الرد بهذه الجمله يعنى انك تعايرنى بانى ارتدى ملابسك وانت نفسك ترتدى بنطلونى الان
مثال اخر
Here comes the guy who is always late for work."
ها قد جاء من يتاخر دائما
فيرد شخص اخر فيقول
Aren't you the pot calling the kettle black? You are usually the last person to show up!"
اى انه لا تعايب عليه فانت ايضا اخر شخص ياتى هنا
lost his head
You lose your head when you get upset and lose control of your actions. Example: "I got so angry yesterday. I completely lost my head." Example: "I'm really sorry about what I did. I lost my head."
You are overcome by emotions (especially anger) and lose control of your actions when you lose your head. Example: "Okay, I'll tell you what happened. But first promise that you won't lose your head."
A person who loses his head is not in control of his actions because is not thinking clearly. Example: "He lost his head, so they threw him out of the game."
lost his head"
المعنى الحرفى لهذه الجمله هو فقد عقله
تقال هذه الجمله عندما يتضايق الشخص ويفقد السيطره على تصرفاته
I got so angry yesterday. I completely
lost my head."
لقد غضبت جدا بالامس لقد فقدت عقلى تماما
ومثال اخر
: "I'm really sorry about what I did.
I lost my head."
انا فعلا اسف لما فعلت لقد فقدت عقلى
احيانا تتغل علك العاطفه وخصوصا الغضب وفى هذه الحاله تفقدذ السيطره على تصرفاتك
"Okay, I'll tell you what happened. But first promise that you won't
lose your head."
حسنا ساخبرك بما حدث ولكن توعدنى ان لا تفقد عقلك
الشخص الذى يفقد عقله لا يستطيع التحكم فى تصرفاته لانه لا يفكر بهدوء ووضوح
"He lost his head
, so they threw him out of the game."
لقد فقد عقله ولذلك اخرجوه من اللعبه
"going against the grain
You go against the grain when you make life more difficult by acting against the wishes of others. Example: "Why can't you just do it the way everyone else does? Why do you always have to go against the grain?"
Wood grows in a way that makes it easy to cut in one direction (with the grain) and hard to cut in the other direction (against the grain). Example: "I jog at this track every day and there is always that one guy who has to goagainst the grain and run in the opposite direction."
To go against the grain is to do things in a way that is different from what is normal and accepted. Example: "You can't always follow other people in life. Sometimes you need to go against the grain to do the right thing."
"going against the grain"
تعنى هذه الجمله عكس الاتجاه
فنقول انت تذهب عكس الاتجاه عندما تقوم بافعال تجعل الحياه اصعب عن طريق التصرف عكس ما يفعله الاخرين
Why can't you just do it the way everyone else does? Why do you always have to
go against the grain?"
لماذا لا تقعل هذا العمل مثلما يفعله اى شخص اخر؟لماذا تريد دائما ان تكون عكس الاخرون
مثال على ذلك ان الاخشاب تنمو فى اتجاه واحده بطريقه تسهل عليك عملية قطعها يكون من الصعب ان تقوم بقطعها بعكس هذه الاتجاه
"I jog at this track every day and there is always that one guy who has to
go against the grain and run in the opposite direction."
انا اجرى فى هذا التراك كل يوم ودائما اجد شخص ما يجرى فى الاتجاه المعاكس
ان تكون عكس الاتجاه هو ان تفعل اشياء بطريقه تكون اصعب من الطريقه العاديه المعروفه
You can't always follow other people in life. Sometimes you need to
go against the grain to do the right thing."
لا يمكنك دائما ان تتبع الاخرون فى الحياه فاحيانا يجب ان تكون عكس الاتجاه لتفعل الشيء الصحيح
truer words were never spoken"
You say Truer words were never spoken when you strongly agree with what the other person has just said. Example: "I find that the earlier I get up, the better the day I have." Reply: "Truer words were never spoken. The morning hours are definitely the best hours of the day."
Truer words were never spoken is often used as a single sentence response to support the other person, showing how strongly you agree. Example: "This is the best cake I have eaten in years!" Reply: "Truer words were never spoken."
When someone says something that you find to be very true and which applies in many different situations, you can say, "Truer words were never spoken." Example: "You are lucky to have such a wonderful wife." Reply: "Truer words were never spoken."
truer words were never spoken"
تقال دائما هذه الجمله للتعبير عن موافقتك عن ما قاله شخص ما من قبل
او للتصديق على مقوله قيلت فى السلف
I find that the earlier I get up, the better the day I have
لقد اكتشفت انه اذا صحيت بدرى يكون يومى افضل
الجواب يكون
Truer words were never spoken. The morning hours are definitely the best hours of the day
اى انه يوافق عما قاله السابق بتاكيده بهذه الجمله
تقال ايضا هذه الجمله كاجابه على كلام شخص ما بدعم موقفه
او انها توافق وتدعم كلام الاخرين
This is the best cake I have eaten in years
يقول شخص ان هذه افضل كيك اكلته منذ سنين
فيرد عليه شخص اخر بهذه الجمله ليؤكد كلامه ويدعمه
Truer words were never spoken
عندما يقول شخص ما اشياء انت تؤمن بانها حقيقيه فاننا نستخدم هذه الجمله للرد عليه
"You are lucky to have such a wonderful wife."
انت محظوظ جدا لانك حظيت بمثل هذه الزوجه
الرد يكون
Truer words were never spoken
الرد بهذه الجمله يكون معناه انك موافق عن ما قاله الشخص الذى تحدث قبلك
"nose out of joint"
Your "nose is out of joint" when the look on your face and the way you act shows other people that you are upset. Example: "What's wrong with him?" Answer: "His nose is out of joint because we forgot to invite him to the party." Although a nose cannot actually be "out of joint", the way a finger or an arm comes out of joint, a person who is upset may have a strange look on their face until they recover. Example: "What happened was an accident; there is no reason for you to have your nose out of joint." Another example: "We were only joking; don't get your nose out of joint
nose out of joint"
هذه الجمله تعطى معنى غاضب جدا
تقال هذه الجمله حين تريد القول بان شخص ما منزعج جدا ومتضايق
او بالمعنى العربى (روحه فى منخيره)
What's wrong with him
ماذا به؟
His nose is out of joint
because we forgot to invite him to the party."
انه متضايق جدا(روحه فى منخيره ) لاننا نسينا ان ندعوه على الحفله
مثال اخر
What happened was an accident; there is no reason for you to have your
nose out of joint
ان ما حدث كان حادثا ولا يوجد سبب لهذا الضيق او (ان تكون روحك فى منخيرك)
مثال اخر
We were only joking; don't get your
nose out of joint
نحن كنا نمزح لا داعى لان تتضايق
"the pot calling the kettle black"
You are the pot calling the kettle black when you point to another person and accuse that person of doing something that you are guilty of doing yourself. Example: "You are accusing me of being lazy? Ha! That's the pot calling the kettle black!"
"The pot" (for cooking) and "the kettle" (for boiling water) sit on the stove over the fire and become black from the flames. Example: "I'm tired of you always wearing my clothing!" Answer: "Aren't you the pot calling the kettle black? You're wearing my pants right now!"
The pot and the kettle are like old friends who have turned black with time; the pot only sees the blackness which is on the kettle; he doesn't see the black on himself. Example: "Here comes the guy who is always late for work." Answer: "Aren't you the pot calling the kettle black? You are usually the last person to show up!"
the pot calling the kettle black"
تقال هذه الجمله على الشخص الذى يتهم غيره بارتكاب شيء خاطئه وهو نفسه يعمل هذا الخطأ
You are accusing me of being lazy
انت متهم بالكسل
Ha! That's the pot calling the kettle black!"
الرد بهذه الجمله يعنى السخريه والقول بانك تفعل ما تتهمنى بفعله
دلاله هذه الكلمات من ان الحله والغلايه كلاهما يوضع على النار ويتحول لونهم الى الاسود فكلاهما مثل بعض
I'm tired of you always wearing my clothing
لقد سئمت من ارتدائك لملابسى
فيكون الرد
Aren't you the pot calling the kettle blackYou're wearing my pants right now
!" "الرد بهذه الجمله يعنى انك تعايرنى بانى ارتدى ملابسك وانت نفسك ترتدى بنطلونى الان
مثال اخر
Here comes the guy who is always late for work."
ها قد جاء من يتاخر دائما
فيرد شخص اخر فيقول
Aren't you the pot calling the kettle black? You are usually the last person to show up!"
اى انه لا تعايب عليه فانت ايضا اخر شخص ياتى هنا
الثلج الاسود- كبار الشخصيات
- جنسية العضو : يمني
الأوسمة :
عدد المساهمات : 27054
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/06/2013
أسكن عيوني يا الغلا- نائبة الادارة
- جنسية العضو : بحرينية
الأوسمة :
عدد المساهمات : 1066
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/09/2013
مواضيع مماثلة
» مصطلحات انجليزية 1
» مصطلحات انجليزية 2
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» مصطلحات انجليزية 6
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» مصطلحات انجليزية 3
» مصطلحات انجليزية 5
» مصطلحات انجليزية 6
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