المواضيع الأخيرة
المتواجدون الآن ؟
ككل هناك 522 عُضو متصل حالياً :: 0 عضو مُسجل, 0 عُضو مُختفي و 522 زائر :: 2 عناكب الفهرسة في محركات البحثلا أحد
أكبر عدد للأعضاء المتواجدين في هذا المنتدى في نفس الوقت كان 680 بتاريخ الجمعة نوفمبر 22, 2024 11:04 pm
حكمة اليوم
هذا المنتدى يتوفر على 1265 عُضو.آخر عُضو مُسجل هو عادل0 فمرحباً به.
أعضاؤنا قدموا 90182 مساهمة في هذا المنتدى في 31160 موضوع
المواضيع الأكثر شعبية
مصطلحات انجليزية 3
صفحة 1 من اصل 1 • شاطر
مصطلحات انجليزية 3
birds of a feather flock together
Birds of a feather flock together means that people who are similar to each other often spend time together. Example: "Those guys work at the same company and go to the same bars. They do everything together." Reply: "Birds of a feather flock together."
We know that birds are of the same type when they have the same feathers; they are of a feather. Birds flock when they join together in groups with other birds. Just as birds "of a feather" often flock with other birds of the same "feather", so do people who are like each other spend time together. Example: "Are Timmy and his friends going to that same bar again?" Reply: "Sure they are. Birds of a feather flock together."
People ("birds") who are similar to each other ("of a feather") often spend time ("flock") with each other ("together"). Example: "Look. The volleyball players are eating together at the same table again, as always." Reply: "Birds of a feather
flock together.
هذه الجمله تعنى ان الناس الذين يشبهون بعضهم دائما يقضون وقتهم مع بعضهم
او بالمعنى العربى تبعنا(الطيور على اشكالها تقع)
Those guys work at the same company and go to the same bars. They do everything together."
هؤلاء الشباب يعملون فى شركه واحده ويقضون ارقاتهم فى اماكن واحده ويفعلون كل شيء مع بعضهم
الجواب هنا يكون بجملة
Birds of a feather flock together."
نحن نعلم ان الطيور التى لها اشكال ريش متشابهه يكونوا من نوع واحد
نشبههم هنا بالاشخاص الذين لهم سمات واحده فيكونوا متشابهين
على سبيل المثال هذه الجمله
"Are Timmy and his friends going to that same bar again?"
هل تينى واصدقاؤه يذهبون الى نفس المكان مره اخرى؟
الجواب هنا يكون بنفس الجمله
Birds of a feather flock together."
والمعنى هنا انهم يشبهون بعضهم وتصرفاتهم متشابهه
out of the frying pan and into the fire
To go out of the frying pan and into the fire
is to get out of one difficult situation only to end up in another. Example: "I worked too hard on that last project. But on this new project I am working even harder!" Reply: "Out of the frying pan and into the fire."
We sometimes want so much to get out of one difficult situation that we end up jumping into another that is even worse, going out of the frying pan and into the fire. Example: "Her ex-boyfriend was terrible, but this new one is even worse!" Reply: "Out of the frying pan and into the fire."
"The frying pan" is a very hot place to be because it is over "the fire". In a difficult situation, the first thing we want to do is get out of that situation. Example: "They think they work hard now. Wait and see how much harder they have to work after they graduate." Reply: "Out of the frying pan and into the fire." الترجمه
هذه الجمله معناها ان يخرج من مشكله ليدخل مشكله اخرى
I worked too hard on that last project. But on this new project I am working even harder!"
لقذ بذلت مجهود كبير فى المشروع السابق ولكن فى هذا المشروع ابذل مجهود اكبر
ويكون الرد هنا بهذه الجمله ليكون المعنى تخرج من عمل شاق لتدخل فى اخر
Out of the frying pan and into the fire
فى كثير من الاوقات نبذل مجهود كبير لنخرج من موقف معين لنجد انفسنا فى موقف اخر اكثر صعوبه
فنقول هذه الجمله فى مثل هذه المواقف
هذه الكلمات تدل على مدى صعوبة الموقف فقد استخدم كلمه اناء مغلى(frying pan) ليدل على شدة الموقف
ثم استخدم كلمة النار(fire) ليدل على ان الموقف التالى اكثر شده
They think they work hard now. Wait and see how much harder they have to work after they graduate."
انهم يظنون انهم يعملون بجد الان ولكن انتظرلترى كم سيعملون بعد التخرج
فيكون الرد هنا بهذه الجمله
Out of the frying pan and into the fire
"sink or swim"
"Sink or swim" is a situation where you will either fail or you will find a way to succeed. " Example: "Sales is not an easy job here. We give you two weeks training, then it's sink or swim." If you are thrown into the water, you will either sink to the bottom or you will swim to safety. You will either fail, or you will find a way to succeed, in a situation that is sink or swim. Example: "How do you interview new teachers here?" Reply: "We just put them in with the kids, and see how they do. It's sink or swim." Sink or swim" means that you will either succeed, or you will fail completely, at what you are trying to do.
"sink or swim"
هذه الجمله تعنى اما ان تغرق او ان تعوم
وتقال هذه الجمله اذا كنت فى موقف انت يجب عليك ان تختار فيه ان تنجح او تفشل
Sales is not an easy job here. We give you two weeks training, then it's sink or swim."
ان وظيفة المبيعات ليست سهله فامامك مهله اسبوعين حتى تدرب وبعد ذلك اما ان تنجح او تفشل
فمعنى هذه الجمله فى انك اذا كنت فى الماء فاما ان تعوم وتنجو او ان تغرق فى القاع
فانك ستنجو اذا وجدت الطريق الصحيح لتنجح
How do you interview new teachers here?"
كيف تختبرون المدرسون الجديد؟
الجواب يكون
"We just put them in with the kids, and see how they do. It's sink or swim." Sink or swim
فنحن نجعلم مع الاطفال والصغار لنرو ماذا سيفعلون واما ان ينجحوا او يفشلوا
ولذلك تستخدم هذه الجمله لتدل على ان الموقف يحتم عليك ان تنجح او تفشل فنقول
It's sink or swim
"over my dead body
When you absolutely will not allow a person to do something you might say "over my dead body." The [literal] meaning is that you will stand in the way of that person and only if they kill you and walk over your dead body will they be able to do what they want. Example: "You kids are not going out in the cold without your jackets! Not over my dead body!" Parents say "over my dead body" often because they are in a position of authority and they are much bigger than their children. Example: "All of my friends are going out to the lake tonight and I'm going too!" Answer: "Over my dead body you are!"
"over my dead body"
تستخدم هذه الجمله حين تريت التعبير بانك لن تسمح لشخص ما مطلقا بفغل شيىء ما
"You kids are not going out in the cold without your jackets!
Not over my dead body!"
لن يخرج الاطفال بدون معاطف فى البرد هذا على جثتى
دائما يستخدم الاباء هذه الجمله لانهم فى موقف سلطه ولانهم اقوى من اطفالهم
All of my friends are going out to the lake tonight and I'm going too
كل اصدقائى سيخرجون اليوم
الى البحيره ساذهب معهم
الاجابه تكون
: "Over my dead body you are!"
ستذهب على جثتى
"finding your feet"
You are "finding your feet" when you are learning what to do and becoming more comfortable acting in a certain type of situation. Example: "I've only been at this job for a few months. I'm just finding my feet." It takes time to find your feet, because you need to learn what to do and become comfortable doing it. Example: "I was at that job for over a year before I really found my feet." You have gained the needed skills and are performing your job well, once you have found your feet. Example: "Don't worry about it. We will help you out until you find your feet."
"finding your feet"
المعنى الحرفى لهذه الجمله هو (ان تجد قدميك)
وهو جمله تشبه مقوله عربيه وهى (ان تقف على قدميك)
تقال هذه الجمله عندما تكون تعلمت ما تفعله حتى تجيده تماما ويصبح عملا مريحا لك
: "
I've only been at this job for a few months. I'm just finding my feet."
لقد اشتغلت فى هذه الوظيفه لشهور قليله حتى بدات ان اقف على قدمى(اى اجيد العمل واتقنه)
تقال هذه الجمله مع فتره زمنيه لان التعلم يتطلب وقتا حتى نستطيع القول باننا وقفنا على قدمينا
"I was at that job for over a year before I really found my feet."
لقد اشتغلت فى هذا العمل لمدة عام قبل ان اقف على قدمى فى العمل(اى ان اجيد العمل واتقنه)
عند اتقان العمل والتاكد من ذلك فانك تكون اكتسبت مهارات كثيره من هذه العمل حتى تستطيع اتقانه
Don't worry about it. We will help you out until you find your feet."
لا تقلق فسوف نساعدك حتى تستطيع الوقوف على قدميك
birds of a feather flock together
Birds of a feather flock together means that people who are similar to each other often spend time together. Example: "Those guys work at the same company and go to the same bars. They do everything together." Reply: "Birds of a feather flock together."
We know that birds are of the same type when they have the same feathers; they are of a feather. Birds flock when they join together in groups with other birds. Just as birds "of a feather" often flock with other birds of the same "feather", so do people who are like each other spend time together. Example: "Are Timmy and his friends going to that same bar again?" Reply: "Sure they are. Birds of a feather flock together."
People ("birds") who are similar to each other ("of a feather") often spend time ("flock") with each other ("together"). Example: "Look. The volleyball players are eating together at the same table again, as always." Reply: "Birds of a feather
flock together.
هذه الجمله تعنى ان الناس الذين يشبهون بعضهم دائما يقضون وقتهم مع بعضهم
او بالمعنى العربى تبعنا(الطيور على اشكالها تقع)
Those guys work at the same company and go to the same bars. They do everything together."
هؤلاء الشباب يعملون فى شركه واحده ويقضون ارقاتهم فى اماكن واحده ويفعلون كل شيء مع بعضهم
الجواب هنا يكون بجملة
Birds of a feather flock together."
نحن نعلم ان الطيور التى لها اشكال ريش متشابهه يكونوا من نوع واحد
نشبههم هنا بالاشخاص الذين لهم سمات واحده فيكونوا متشابهين
على سبيل المثال هذه الجمله
"Are Timmy and his friends going to that same bar again?"
هل تينى واصدقاؤه يذهبون الى نفس المكان مره اخرى؟
الجواب هنا يكون بنفس الجمله
Birds of a feather flock together."
والمعنى هنا انهم يشبهون بعضهم وتصرفاتهم متشابهه
out of the frying pan and into the fire
To go out of the frying pan and into the fire
is to get out of one difficult situation only to end up in another. Example: "I worked too hard on that last project. But on this new project I am working even harder!" Reply: "Out of the frying pan and into the fire."
We sometimes want so much to get out of one difficult situation that we end up jumping into another that is even worse, going out of the frying pan and into the fire. Example: "Her ex-boyfriend was terrible, but this new one is even worse!" Reply: "Out of the frying pan and into the fire."
"The frying pan" is a very hot place to be because it is over "the fire". In a difficult situation, the first thing we want to do is get out of that situation. Example: "They think they work hard now. Wait and see how much harder they have to work after they graduate." Reply: "Out of the frying pan and into the fire." الترجمه
هذه الجمله معناها ان يخرج من مشكله ليدخل مشكله اخرى
I worked too hard on that last project. But on this new project I am working even harder!"
لقذ بذلت مجهود كبير فى المشروع السابق ولكن فى هذا المشروع ابذل مجهود اكبر
ويكون الرد هنا بهذه الجمله ليكون المعنى تخرج من عمل شاق لتدخل فى اخر
Out of the frying pan and into the fire
فى كثير من الاوقات نبذل مجهود كبير لنخرج من موقف معين لنجد انفسنا فى موقف اخر اكثر صعوبه
فنقول هذه الجمله فى مثل هذه المواقف
هذه الكلمات تدل على مدى صعوبة الموقف فقد استخدم كلمه اناء مغلى(frying pan) ليدل على شدة الموقف
ثم استخدم كلمة النار(fire) ليدل على ان الموقف التالى اكثر شده
They think they work hard now. Wait and see how much harder they have to work after they graduate."
انهم يظنون انهم يعملون بجد الان ولكن انتظرلترى كم سيعملون بعد التخرج
فيكون الرد هنا بهذه الجمله
Out of the frying pan and into the fire
"sink or swim"
"Sink or swim" is a situation where you will either fail or you will find a way to succeed. " Example: "Sales is not an easy job here. We give you two weeks training, then it's sink or swim." If you are thrown into the water, you will either sink to the bottom or you will swim to safety. You will either fail, or you will find a way to succeed, in a situation that is sink or swim. Example: "How do you interview new teachers here?" Reply: "We just put them in with the kids, and see how they do. It's sink or swim." Sink or swim" means that you will either succeed, or you will fail completely, at what you are trying to do.
"sink or swim"
هذه الجمله تعنى اما ان تغرق او ان تعوم
وتقال هذه الجمله اذا كنت فى موقف انت يجب عليك ان تختار فيه ان تنجح او تفشل
Sales is not an easy job here. We give you two weeks training, then it's sink or swim."
ان وظيفة المبيعات ليست سهله فامامك مهله اسبوعين حتى تدرب وبعد ذلك اما ان تنجح او تفشل
فمعنى هذه الجمله فى انك اذا كنت فى الماء فاما ان تعوم وتنجو او ان تغرق فى القاع
فانك ستنجو اذا وجدت الطريق الصحيح لتنجح
How do you interview new teachers here?"
كيف تختبرون المدرسون الجديد؟
الجواب يكون
"We just put them in with the kids, and see how they do. It's sink or swim." Sink or swim
فنحن نجعلم مع الاطفال والصغار لنرو ماذا سيفعلون واما ان ينجحوا او يفشلوا
ولذلك تستخدم هذه الجمله لتدل على ان الموقف يحتم عليك ان تنجح او تفشل فنقول
It's sink or swim
"over my dead body
When you absolutely will not allow a person to do something you might say "over my dead body." The [literal] meaning is that you will stand in the way of that person and only if they kill you and walk over your dead body will they be able to do what they want. Example: "You kids are not going out in the cold without your jackets! Not over my dead body!" Parents say "over my dead body" often because they are in a position of authority and they are much bigger than their children. Example: "All of my friends are going out to the lake tonight and I'm going too!" Answer: "Over my dead body you are!"
"over my dead body"
تستخدم هذه الجمله حين تريت التعبير بانك لن تسمح لشخص ما مطلقا بفغل شيىء ما
"You kids are not going out in the cold without your jackets!
Not over my dead body!"
لن يخرج الاطفال بدون معاطف فى البرد هذا على جثتى
دائما يستخدم الاباء هذه الجمله لانهم فى موقف سلطه ولانهم اقوى من اطفالهم
All of my friends are going out to the lake tonight and I'm going too
كل اصدقائى سيخرجون اليوم
الى البحيره ساذهب معهم
الاجابه تكون
: "Over my dead body you are!"
ستذهب على جثتى
"finding your feet"
You are "finding your feet" when you are learning what to do and becoming more comfortable acting in a certain type of situation. Example: "I've only been at this job for a few months. I'm just finding my feet." It takes time to find your feet, because you need to learn what to do and become comfortable doing it. Example: "I was at that job for over a year before I really found my feet." You have gained the needed skills and are performing your job well, once you have found your feet. Example: "Don't worry about it. We will help you out until you find your feet."
"finding your feet"
المعنى الحرفى لهذه الجمله هو (ان تجد قدميك)
وهو جمله تشبه مقوله عربيه وهى (ان تقف على قدميك)
تقال هذه الجمله عندما تكون تعلمت ما تفعله حتى تجيده تماما ويصبح عملا مريحا لك
: "
I've only been at this job for a few months. I'm just finding my feet."
لقد اشتغلت فى هذه الوظيفه لشهور قليله حتى بدات ان اقف على قدمى(اى اجيد العمل واتقنه)
تقال هذه الجمله مع فتره زمنيه لان التعلم يتطلب وقتا حتى نستطيع القول باننا وقفنا على قدمينا
"I was at that job for over a year before I really found my feet."
لقد اشتغلت فى هذا العمل لمدة عام قبل ان اقف على قدمى فى العمل(اى ان اجيد العمل واتقنه)
عند اتقان العمل والتاكد من ذلك فانك تكون اكتسبت مهارات كثيره من هذه العمل حتى تستطيع اتقانه
Don't worry about it. We will help you out until you find your feet."
لا تقلق فسوف نساعدك حتى تستطيع الوقوف على قدميك
الثلج الاسود- كبار الشخصيات
- جنسية العضو : يمني
الأوسمة :
عدد المساهمات : 27054
تاريخ التسجيل : 22/06/2013
أسكن عيوني يا الغلا- نائبة الادارة
- جنسية العضو : بحرينية
الأوسمة :
عدد المساهمات : 1066
تاريخ التسجيل : 02/09/2013
مواضيع مماثلة
» مصطلحات انجليزية 2
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» مصطلحات انجليزية 5
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